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So... bout that facebook group.

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So... bout that facebook group. Empty So... bout that facebook group.

Post  Melody-San Mon Jun 16, 2014 2:40 pm

So... Raev to my knowledge is the only one with access to it. I'm not so sure he is active on here anymore. Any idea what to do about that or are there any other facebook groups I should find.

I am referring to this one.

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Age : 36
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So... bout that facebook group. Empty Re: So... bout that facebook group.

Post  lolirolla Mon Jun 16, 2014 9:14 pm

Melody-San wrote:So... Raev to my knowledge is the only one with access to it. I'm not so sure he is active on here anymore. Any idea what to do about that or are there any other facebook groups I should find.

I am referring to this one.
if you message me with your facebook (the link on your profile is broken) i can add you to it (there's another one that i can add you to as well)
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Join date : 2013-12-15
Age : 23

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