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White rapper from mental hospital traded CD for a Monster.

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White rapper from mental hospital traded CD for a Monster. Empty White rapper from mental hospital traded CD for a Monster.

Post  wrong man Sat Dec 20, 2014 2:02 am

I came into my disabled persons club house (as ordered by the state mental health region) and I had two 16oz. Monster Zeros and this dude in a sideways baseball cap on top of a stocking cap and wearing sweaty white shirt with bling chains and a heavy coat on a hot summer day: he was really interested and persistent in getting one of my drinks! and then he said he was a rapper and his name is Ziggy Z and he'd trade me one of his CDs and he makes his own beats,  but I don't think he does. Laughing

I reluctantly give him my Monster, then came back several days in a row until he finally remembered to bring the CD from the home.

Here is a directory I made on my file host. This music sucks and I don't know any song titles. I just converted the CD with iTunes so it just says "track".

But I guess for the amount of mixing board and autotune and effects and voiceover and backup and whatever: that real rappers use; this schizophrenic dude might actually be an Eminem if he had money.
wrong man
wrong man

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Join date : 2014-09-11

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White rapper from mental hospital traded CD for a Monster. Empty Re: White rapper from mental hospital traded CD for a Monster.

Post  adsmz Sat Dec 20, 2014 2:59 pm

he's really off-beat and his voice clips a lot
but I like it
Good Poster
Good Poster

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Join date : 2013-08-27
Age : 32
Location : Oakland, Michigan

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White rapper from mental hospital traded CD for a Monster. Empty Re: White rapper from mental hospital traded CD for a Monster.

Post  i am not a potted plant Tue Dec 23, 2014 10:19 am

this is great
i am not a potted plant
i am not a potted plant

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Join date : 2014-07-13
Age : 27
Location : South Carolina

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