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Funny song titles thread

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Funny song titles thread Empty Funny song titles thread

Post  Himeko Katagiri Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:46 pm

I love hilarious and lengthy song titles so why not make a thread for them? I'll post some and you should too if you know of any good ones  Very Happy 

Artist - Song name

Screamerclauz - Santa Punishes Naughty Children (The "Get Off My Roof You Fat Fuck Before You Fall Through It And Then I Have To Higher People To Come Over And Fix The Hole And Then When I Go To The Bathroom They See Loose Change Sitting On The Counter And He Has Moral Battle In His Brain And Decides To Take It And Then I Come Out And Catch Him And I Have To Fire Him And Then I Have To Go Through The Phone Book Again To Find A Roofer That Is More Trust Worthy And Then I Can't And Its Winter Time And Snow Starts Falling In Through The Hole And I Get Really Cold And You're Still Dead On My Floor You Fat Fuck" Remix)

Stunt Rock - You're The Dipshit Who Bought This Tape

Stunt Rock - Anyone Who Names A Track "So and So Can Kiss My Such And Such Ass" Can Kiss My (Adjective) (Noun) Ass.

Stunt Rock - Really Harsh Noisy Breaks Don't Cover Up For Lack Of Talent, Or Do They?
^my favorite song name ever  Very Happy 

Stunt Rock - If I Would Have Opened w/ A Noise Track Everyone Would Think I'm Tough Right?

Stunt Rock - Name Your Song After The Sample That Is In It Einstein.

Stunt Rock - You Made A Really Short Song With One Sample Cause You Were Low On Material And Ideas. I Did It For This Whole Album.

Stunt Rock - Your Life Is Only As Meaningless As The Music You Listen To, Case In Point.

Stunt Rock - Intro/Sample/Build/Sample/Breaks//Effects/Sample/Slowerbreaks/Sample/End.
^another great one just too perfect

Stunt Rock - I Think I'm Cool Because My Song Titles Are Long And Point Out Flaws In Others.

Stunt Rock - Where Is Your Dad, And What Did He Do To You Before You Left

Stunt Rock - Wow, A New Release By My Favorite IDM Producer, Has It Been Two Weeks?

Stunt Rock - A Blank Computer Screen And A Room Devoid Of Creative Thought.
^I'm sure we can all relate to this Very Happy  Embarassed 

Stunt Rock - I'm Working Out So I Can Fight Off People That May Try To Prevent Me From Killing Myself.
^2nd favorite song title ever

Stunt Rock - When The Titles Become Disappointing.

Stunt Rock - And If I Had No Real Job And No Mortgage Payment, Maybe I Could Also Sit Around Making Music All Day And Have A Release Every Other Month.

Stunt Rock - First Chance I Get I Am Licensing This Track To A Car Commercial Or Video Game, So Fuck You And Your No Sell Out, Anti-Establishment Posturing, Or Some Such In Your Face Remark Of That Sort.

Stunt Rock - Outro: Close Enough Only Counts In Horseshoes And My Music, And Could I Get Anymore Self Righteous?

Stunt Rock - Are You Overweight Because You’re Into Doom Metal Or Are You Into Doom Metal Because You’re Overweight?

Stunt Rock - You Aren't Good At Social Interaction So You Try To Make People Uncomfortable And Act Like You’re Really Into Grindcore When They Try To Talk To You About Music

Stunt Rock - Your Hobby Is Flying Kites Because You Like To Look Totally Ridiculous In Front Of Strangers But Aren't Into Getting Drunk At Bars

Stunt Rock - You Use The Black And White Setting On Your Digital Camera Because You Think You're An Artist But Really You're A Fucking Joke

Stunt Rock - You're Not A DJ You’re Just A Guy With 2 Ipods, A Hoodie, A Gold Chain Necklace, Some Acapella Mp3s And Terrible Taste In Music

JAPSHITFUN - this shit split is only getting released on this label because i know it will get over 100 downloads because it has ''kawaii'' album art you dumb white faggots

JAPSHITFUN - fucking your children now in HD

JAPSHITFUN - song titles with caps try too hard
^one of my favorite JSF titles  Very Happy 

JAPSHITFUN - "All Tracks Conveniently Just Over 30 Seconds For Maximum Scrobblage."

JAPSHITFUN - Why Did You Download This Lol

JAPSHITFUN - I Ran Out Of Ideas On The First Release

JAPSHITFUN - Are You Still Listening To This Shit

JAPSHITFUN - Adding A Distorted Gabba Kick To A Song And Calling It A Remix

JAPSHITFUN - Speeding Up Someone Elses Track And Calling It A Remix

JAPSHITFUN - Fucking A Girl In The Pussy Then Taking A Huge Piss In Her Pussy And Saying "I Came"

JAPSHITFUN - If She Crys When You Fuck Her Up The Ass Hit Her Harder

JAPSHITFUN - Sucking My 1Inch Cock

JAPSHITFUN - Butt Raping A 4 Year Old Then Being Caught Due To Anal Tearing And Spending 4 Years In Prison Being Raped Every Day Because I Am A Pedophile

JAPSHITFUN - Trojan Virus Found In 'fucked4yearoldslut.jpg'

JAPSHITFUN - Yet Another Creative, Original And Ingenius Name For My Tracks

JAPSHITFUN - This Is The Only Song That Scrobbles So You Can Stop Listening After This

JAPSHITFUN - Black Metal Is For White Faggots

JAPSHITFUN - Chtuhulu Or Whatever Its Called Is Shit

JAPSHITFUN - I Discovered Lolicon, And Now I Can't Sleep Because Someone Fuck my Ass in Jail

JAPSHITFUN - Yesterday Was A Beautiful Day Until The Skinheads Didn't Break My Ribs

Neko Girl's Litter Box - Lolicore Is For Faggots

Neko Girl's Litter Box - Samplecore Is For Faggots

Neko Girl's Litter Box - Hentai Loli Gang Rape Torrent Now Seeding

Neko Girl's Litter Box - Hiroshimapan
so fucked  Very Happy 

Neko Girl's Litter Box - Your Dad Has Disowned You Because You're A Lolicon Faggot

Neko Girl's Litter Box - I'm Such A Rip-Off Of Japshitfun This Is Just A Japshitfun Song In Reverse

Neko Girl's Litter Box - Japshitfun Tries To Hard

Neko Girl's Litter Box - Length Of My Dick Measured In Seconds
the song is 0:00

Neko Girl's Litter Box - My Pick Up Line Is "There's A Puppy In My Van"

Neko Girl's Litter Box - Beating Preschoolers In The Face With My Dick

Neko Girl's Litter Box - Kindergartners Are Tight

Neko Girl's Litter Box - One Day I Will Randomly Quit Music Just Like Every Other Lolicore Musician

Cutie Tooth - Getting A Haircut And Calling It A Remix

Cutie Tooth - I Keep Using The Same Fucking Samples

Nabokov's Super Slumber Party - My Little Sister Can't Be This Lo-Fi
^I just love this  Very Happy 

Nabokov's Super Slumber Party - death note is for fat middle schoolers

Anal Frustration - Everybody On Tsundere Violence Is A Pedo

I'm Aphex Twin - No Really I Am

ok I think that's enough for now
Himeko Katagiri
Himeko Katagiri

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Funny song titles thread Empty Re: Funny song titles thread

Post  adsmz Thu Feb 27, 2014 10:49 pm

This is a good list. You pretty much covered everything that comes to mind >.>
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Funny song titles thread Empty Re: Funny song titles thread

Post  Himeko Katagiri Thu Feb 27, 2014 10:58 pm

I tried to cover as much as I could
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Funny song titles thread Empty Re: Funny song titles thread

Post  Emray Fri Feb 28, 2014 2:24 am

I have one:
Ghagesuke - This song title isn't very long, because i said it wouldn't be, but still it's pretty darn long considering the fact that it's pretty long, so pretty ironic isn't it? Now that i think i should have named my song pretty long title, but that is too late now.
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Post  Himeko Katagiri Fri Feb 28, 2014 3:27 am

Could be longer, here's some titles I wrote up but haven't made songs for yet

Lolis With Super Nipples That Tell The Future With Ancient Tibetan Nipple Sign Language But No-one Has Any Idea What They Are Trying To Say So People Go To Tibet To Try To Figure Out But Then Golems Crawl Out Of The Trees And Attack The Seekers Of The Truth And This Is What The Loli Nipples Were Warning Them About But It's Too Late And Everyone Dies Except Clowns That Rule The Earth Until The Sun Expands And Engulfs The Earth In It's Firey Tummy And Aliens Just Watch Saying "Gufengjel Uooiter Flugvernaf" Which Is Alien For "What The Dick Just Happened"

Mad Scientists Breeding Lolis In Labs With Cow Genes And Secret Chemicals To Produce Lolis That Can Be Milked Daily But Don't Have Big Boobs But They Still Act Like Cows So They Are Kind Of Retarded At People Standards And Organizations Try To Stop The Cow Loli Project But The Government Keeps Funding It Because You Just Gotta Have That Loli Milk With Your Cheerios In The Morning

Super Lolis Eating Metal Sharks Like It's Fucking Nothing And Then Shooting Laser Beams From Their Vaginas At Terrorists In The Past Stopping 9/11 And Then Everyone Loves Lolis With Magic Vaginas And The World Is Forever In Peaceful And The Lolis Make Gold And Jewels Out Of Dead Cats And It Makes The Whales Become Magical And The Whales Help Stop Global Warming And Can Now Eat Garbage And The Moon Becomes Glittery

So Many Items Are Made In China Because Lolis From Hundreds Of Years Ago Were Discovered In The Islands Of Hawaii These Special Lolis Crapped Items The Chinese Saw A Very Large Fortune And Future Empire In This So They Tried To Sink Hawaii With Mystic Dragons From The Stars The Dragons Never Appeared But The Possibility Was Enough For The People Of Hawaii To Give Up These Special Lolis The Chinese Were Quite Happy With Their Victory They Created Chemicals From Rare Western African Plants That They Injected Into The Lolis That Allowed Them To Now Be Bred With Eachother They Selectively Bred These Lolis To Get The Best Traits In The Products As Possible Such As Lead In Baby Toys And Toxic Pet Food Because China Thinks That Is Fucking Hilarious

The K-On Gang Get A Gig In Mexico So They Go To Mexico After The Plane Lands And They Are At The Hotel Azusa Gets A Call And Talks Quietly And Does Not Tell The Others What The Call Was About She Later Reveals There Was No Gig And She Is Actually The Drug Lord Of The Mexican Cartel She Asks If They Want To Join The Cartel And They Will Make Good Money Yui And Tsumugi Agree But Mio And Ristu Refuse After The Refusal Masked Men Come Out Of The Closet (heh) And Put Burlap Bags Over Mio And Ristu's Heads And Escort Them Outside With Guns Pressed To Their Backs They Are Never Seen Again Another Masked Man Hands Azusa A Pair Of Aviator Sunglasses And A Cigarette Azusa Assigns Both Yui And Tsumugi The Job Of Measuring Cocaine Tsumugi Ofcourse Starts Getting High On The Supply And Azusa Has Her Sent Into The Basement Of The Drug House And In Seconds The Sound Of A Pistol Rings Out After This Yui Starts To Want To Leave So She Joins The Police In Secrecy And Wears A Wire She Is Soon Discovered Azusa Has Her Tied Up In A Shed And Gets An Electronic Saw For Carving Pumpkins And Slowly Cuts Out Yui's Throat Two Years Pass And Suddenly Police Invade Azusa's Home Azusa Is Arrested And Four Of Her Guards And Six Police Die That Day Azusa Is Put In Prison For Life But She Continues To Run The Drug Game In Mexico As She Puts Together An Escape Plan With Her Underlings They Manage To Smuggle In Guns And Ammo And One Night They Shoot The Locks They Run Through The Halls Shooting The Guards As The Sirens Blare They Make It To The Yard And Azusa Is Able To Take Out The Tower Guards With Her Amazing Skills Her Underlings Cut The Wires Of The Fences And They Escape They Go Into The Sewers And Make It To A Safehouse Undetected Azusa Knows She Can't Stay In Mexico And The US And Japan Are Out Of The Question So She Hires A Pilot To Fly Her To Ice Land The Flight Is Long A Cold When They Approach Ice Land The Engines Start To Die The Pilot Panics And Doesn't Know What To Do The Plane Crashes Into A Field Near Nothing Azusa Is Unscathed But A Long Sliver Of Metal Has Impaled The Pilot She Shoots Him In The Head To End His Suffering She Buries Him In A Shallow Grave And Stays In Wrecked Plane For A Few Days To See If Anyone Saw It Crash And Came To Rescue The People But No-one Came She Ventures Off Into The Wilderness Hunting With The Little Ammo She Has Left To Survive After Two Weeks In The Wilderness She Finds A Town An Inn Owner Takes Her Inn And She Becomes Popular Within The Town After A Few Months Of Living Their She Buys A Guitar With The Money She Earned Working At The Inn The Townspeople Fall In Love With Her Guitar Playing And She Becomes A Hit In Iceland Mexico Officials See Her On The TV And Contact Iceland Immediately Iceland Loves Her So Much They Refuse To Give Her Back This Escalates Into A War Which Escalates Into World War III Which Rages On For Twelve Years The World's Population Lowers By 99% The War Ends Because Everyone Was Forced To Forfeight With The World's Population now So Low Governments And Various Advancements Crumble And The World Goes Back To The Ways Of The 1800s But With No Government Structure Azusa Eventually Becomes The Queen And Ruler Of Iceland They Further Their Advancements And Eventually Become A Great Empire And Begin Taking Over All Of The Other Countries And Azusa Rules The World
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Post  Emray Fri Feb 28, 2014 3:35 am

tenouttaten ok 
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Funny song titles thread Empty Re: Funny song titles thread

Post  adsmz Fri Feb 28, 2014 6:14 am

Himeko. That last title.
It's perfect.
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Funny song titles thread Empty Re: Funny song titles thread

Post  Himeko Katagiri Fri Feb 28, 2014 4:06 pm

adsmz wrote:Himeko. That last title.
It's perfect.

Thanks  Smile 
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