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NESBM Thread

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NESBM Thread Empty NESBM Thread

Post  lolimaid Wed Dec 10, 2014 3:40 am

This is a genre I want to find more of but it's like even more niche than lolicore and really hard to find any artists that still make it because most mediafire and youtube links I find are dead.
There's this one youtube channel but beyond that it's really hard to find a collection of releases.
Does it go by a different tag now?

Disregard that, Himeko informed me that it's actually called NES Black Metal

Last edited by lolimaid on Thu Jan 22, 2015 3:44 am; edited 1 time in total


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NESBM Thread Empty Re: NESBM Thread

Post  Himeko Katagiri Tue Jan 13, 2015 1:35 pm

WAR LOLIIIII~! I remember War Loli I actually found it like the same day i found out about lolicore. I'm friends with Abra and Frost the creators of War Loli. War Loli is dead. They ended it. It's done and over with. They still do make music tho but now it's lots of private releases where you have to know them to get them.
Most of the Battle Lolis can be downloaded here ->
And a good amount of Tsubaki Yeah! can be downloaded here ->!/+albums
A small amount of Loliqueen here ->

They have a bunch more aliases and stuff so you can look em up on and get some albums that way.

BY THE WAY, War Loli isn't a genre it's a small collection of musicians that support lolis and have lots of nazi themes too. The genre that is Battle Lolis is nesbm.
Himeko Katagiri
Himeko Katagiri

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NESBM Thread Empty Re: NESBM Thread

Post  lolimaid Thu Jan 22, 2015 3:37 am

I guess it's a problem of having too many tags then, because this is how I found a bunch of them
Thanks for the links Very Happy


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NESBM Thread Empty Re: NESBM Thread

Post  Sherkel Wed Jan 28, 2015 9:26 pm

So it's actually called NES black metal...interesting. I went through a good amount of Battle Lolis releases a month ago and it's pretty cool stuff.
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