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Your latest music purchases

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Your latest music purchases Empty Your latest music purchases

Post  Bisso Wed Mar 19, 2014 5:41 am

This is a topic where to show or tell what music stuff you bought. Also digital purchases are admitted of course (like bandcamp or similar services).
I like to see which albums people buy, maybe because I'm a huge lover of physical releases.

I'll start the topic with my purchases of the last three months (this is Japanese, US and Italian stuff):

Your latest music purchases Cqst1
The grey artwork of the top-right one is made with real ash! The concept of that album is "death".

Your latest music purchases Cqst3
IOSYS stuff (mostly Touhou rearrangements, but there are also some original albums).

Your latest music purchases Cqst2
I took the photo for another forum so there's also that book about NSBM (interesting reading by the way), anyway is always music related.

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Your latest music purchases Empty Re: Your latest music purchases

Post  Sherkel Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:23 am

Holy shit, those IOSYS albums...all sorts of feels just seeing physical copies.

I'll get some more pics of my recent stuff up when I get back home. Smile Here's one:
Your latest music purchases 1460298_515854095177518_1374699736_n
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Your latest music purchases Empty Re: Your latest music purchases

Post  lolirolla Wed Mar 19, 2014 11:13 am

I'll post some pics when i get home Smile
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Your latest music purchases Empty Re: Your latest music purchases

Post  HENTAiCORE Wed Mar 19, 2014 1:04 pm

well i´m not that big fan of commercial stuff, so i prefer free releases.
but ok, since some people are always giving me fuckin iTunes money, i´ve been trying to make the best out of it and so it comes sometimes that i buy some digital stuff from psycho filth, tano c, japanese stream hardcore etc.. ah and sometimes some single early hardcore classics, too. the only fuck about iTunes is, that the file´s bitrates are always like 240-280kbit/s and i can´t understand, why people are buying their music from there with their own money xd.
i don´t like CDs too, i have a well sorted collection on my external drive and thats all what i need ^^.

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Your latest music purchases Empty Re: Your latest music purchases

Post  Bisso Thu Mar 20, 2014 3:16 am

HENTAiCORE wrote:well i´m not that big fan of commercial stuff, so i prefer free releases.
but ok, since some people are always giving me fuckin iTunes money, i´ve been trying to make the best out of it and so it comes sometimes that i buy some digital stuff from psycho filth, tano c, japanese stream hardcore etc.. ah and sometimes some single early hardcore classics, too. the only fuck about iTunes is, that the file´s bitrates are always like 240-280kbit/s and i can´t understand, why people are buying their music from there with their own money xd.
i don´t like CDs too, i have a well sorted collection on my external drive and thats all what i need ^^.
Well, not everything you can buy can be properly called "commercial", because in the music underground scene a lot of artists an labels sells their things just to balance their expenses for the material used for the release. If you make a cool package and inserts related to the album concept you are making something that is worth buying. At least this is what I think. (just to make an example to better understand what I mean, this is the latest release of a friend of mine, full of incredible and lovable stuff:
Music is a form of art expression, so if you put also something visual and "material" into it, the final result will be a cooler and more interesting piece of art than "just music". This can easily be applied to noise and experimental projects as well as any other kind of music.

In my case, listening to music on physical media is like reading a book. I mean a real and material book. I get no pleasure reading something on a screen... And that's why I don't like when people put a price for a digital album only (paying $3-4 is still ok though). I find annoying the fact that I have to pay to get an immaterial and intangible thing that is just a bunch of 1s and 0s mixed together...

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Your latest music purchases Empty Re: Your latest music purchases

Post  Emray Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:27 am

I've bought some goreshit atleast

and once i accidentally bought one of my own albums xD, atleast didn't lose anything in that
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Your latest music purchases Empty Re: Your latest music purchases

Post  Himeko Katagiri Thu Mar 20, 2014 2:16 pm


Does anyone else have a Discogs account? It lets you publicly track all the music you own~!
Here is mine it consists of

194 CDs
3 Other
15 Vinyl
840 Web releases

By the way that's not all of it, there is probably like 100 more things that are not in the Discogs database

Here's some pics too

The cassettes technically were not purchases, Abra sent me the Battle Lolis one for free. Phyllomedusa one was a bonus for buying a shirt and he also sent me the plain one with an odd letter.
Your latest music purchases Img_2412

Your latest music purchases Img_2413

Your latest music purchases Img_2414

Your latest music purchases Img_2415

Your latest music purchases 2hekj6g

And finally almost all of my Venetian Snares CDs, some got misplaced when I moved the ones not in picture are Songs About My Cats, Hospitality, Detrimentalist, and Filth

Your latest music purchases Vg2y2r
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Your latest music purchases Empty Re: Your latest music purchases

Post  Sherkel Thu Mar 20, 2014 5:58 pm

All right! Let's go! Not all these are "recent", but I love seeing all my doujin CDs together. Smile Goodness, it's beautiful.

Also, I'm quite like Himeko in that I love keeping track of stuff including my music collection. I use VGMdb for mine because more of the CDs I have are listed on there, but I also use Discogs for lolicore releases.

Your latest music purchases 03201410
Your latest music purchases 03201411
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Your latest music purchases Empty Re: Your latest music purchases

Post  Bisso Fri Mar 21, 2014 3:36 am

Mmmm lot's of interesting stuff! The Battle Lolis tape is awesome!  I love you  Never heard about Venetian Snares before, I should give it a listen when I have time.

Sherkel, that postcard-like thing is a CD release too? Who is the artist behind it? The cover seems catchy.

I have a discogs account too:
Buuuuut... most of the music I own is not listed on discogs, so I don't update it at all. When I signed up I put in the collection 140 albums or so but that's not all I have at all.
I used an excel file, but I don't update it since one or two years ago I think.

Things arrived in the last days:
Your latest music purchases Txcndstrs
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful special release to commemorate five years of Toxic Industries label. The four cds are full of noise performers from all over the world. The t-shirt is awesome and I'm wearing it right now at work.

Your latest music purchases Lsttxc
Isn't that vynil artwork the cutest thing ever?? Postcard and sticker at the bottom came with it.

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Your latest music purchases Empty Re: Your latest music purchases

Post  Sherkel Fri Mar 21, 2014 8:27 am

It's AD:HOUSE 2 by Diverse System. I like it quite a lot! It's actually the only house album I'm familiar with save for the first AD:HOUSE and some Touhou ones. Very Happy

Very cool releases by the way.
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Your latest music purchases Empty Re: Your latest music purchases

Post  Himeko Katagiri Fri Mar 21, 2014 3:58 pm

Dude awesome Meishi Smile vinyl~!!  I love you 
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Your latest music purchases Empty Re: Your latest music purchases

Post  Bisso Mon Mar 24, 2014 2:47 am

Himeko Katagiri wrote:Dude awesome Meishi Smile vinyl~!!  I love you 
Ohh so you know the guy! I was wondering about it. Zoom Lens is an amazing label!

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Your latest music purchases Empty Re: Your latest music purchases

Post  Himeko Katagiri Mon Mar 24, 2014 11:36 pm

I also have some anime CDs

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Your latest music purchases Empty Re: Your latest music purchases

Post  lolrawr Sat Apr 05, 2014 11:37 pm

Your latest music purchases Pirate_logo_full_page
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Your latest music purchases Empty Re: Your latest music purchases

Post  Bisso Tue Apr 29, 2014 4:38 am

Stuff arrived this month:
Your latest music purchases Mrzprlbss

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Your latest music purchases Empty Re: Your latest music purchases

Post  Himeko Katagiri Sun May 18, 2014 4:15 pm

anime (and one game) soundtracks
Your latest music purchases Img_2416
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Your latest music purchases Empty Re: Your latest music purchases

Post  Odango Sun May 18, 2014 8:12 pm

Your latest music purchases Img_0111

The latest music purchases I've made are of Boards of Canada's Twoism and Throbbing Gristle's D.o.A. The artwork from the Throbbing Gristle album folded out into a cool thingamajig with pictures and a letter.

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Your latest music purchases Empty Re: Your latest music purchases

Post  lolirolla Sun May 18, 2014 10:38 pm

Odango wrote:Your latest music purchases Img_0111

The latest music purchases I've made are of Boards of Canada's Twoism and Throbbing Gristle's D.o.A. The artwork from the Throbbing Gristle album folded out into a cool thingamajig with pictures and a letter.
i like you
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Your latest music purchases Empty Re: Your latest music purchases

Post  LoveMechs Mon May 19, 2014 2:59 am

Your latest music purchases R-158110

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Your latest music purchases Empty Re: Your latest music purchases

Post  Odango Mon May 19, 2014 6:16 pm

lolirolla wrote:
Odango wrote:Your latest music purchases Img_0111

The latest music purchases I've made are of Boards of Canada's Twoism and Throbbing Gristle's D.o.A. The artwork from the Throbbing Gristle album folded out into a cool thingamajig with pictures and a letter.
i like you


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